Backlog Accounting Services in India
Accounting and Tax Consultancy | HAAB Accounting | Abu Dhabi | TrivandrumServicesServices in INDIABacklog Accounting Services in India

Backlog Accounting Services in India
For back log accounting for several months or years, as one of the top consultant in backlog accounting services in India, our accounting expert can take up the entire work to complete the books of accounts. Furthermore generate the financial statements and all kinds of internal management report. Sometimes the companies might not maintain proper Books of Account and reports in the same year. It happens mainly for start-ups in the SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprises).
As per the regulations of the Commercial Company Law, it is mandatory to maintain proper books of account. Hence, after one or two years such SMEs understand the necessity to maintain proper books of account and look for accounting firms to prepare books of account.
Our accounting and tax consultant can support the clients to prepare the books of account from the date of incorporation of the company till date. However, proper supporting documents are necessary for us to prepare the books of account. Hence it is important for us to get the original supporting documents of the transactions. Further more our representative will visit the company’s office location or bring the documents to our office. Secondly update transactions in a suitable accounting software. We finalize the books of account on periodic basis, normally on annual basis and provides the following reports :
- Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
- Statement of Comprehensive Income (Profit & Loss account)
- Cash Flow Statement
- Receivable Aging Report
- Payable Aging Report
- Sales report with different variables
- Variance analysis
- Ratio analysis
- Product costing
Why us
As one of the leading accounting consultants in the Trivandrum, India, HAAB Accounting Consultancy, provides all types of backlog accounting services as well as Tax Consultancy Services. Also our team of experienced professionals is fully equipped with the knowledge and technical expertise to help our clients with minimal cost.
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